Thursday 19 May 2011

Two Day Round-Up

Sorry for not updating yesterday: was quite quiet gossip wise!

For the past week or so Cannes has been at the forefront of the media's glare, so today's main story lies in France. The notorious director Lars Von Trier was holding a press conference to promote his upcoming movie, Melancholia, which stars Kirsten Dunst and Kiefer Sutherland. During this time Von Trier was recorded making anti-semitic comments and cordially has had his invite to the glamorous event revoked.
Well that's one way to promote your mediocre-deemed film.

It was announced today that James Cameron's epic Titantic will be re-released in the cinema's in 3D from April 6th next spring, this is to coincide with the hundreth anniversary of the liner setting sail from Southampton.
There is no doubt that Titanic will be amazing in 3D, from my point of view anyway, but it feels a little tasteless to mark a tragic event with what could be considered as merchandise.

In realation Leonardo DiCaprio, fresh from his split from supermodel Bar Refaeli, is dating Gossip Girl star Blake Lively.
Ooh and the new and final episode of season four is now available from ITV. It promises the usual surprises.

It was Gavin Winstanley who sadly bit the bullet on The Apprentice last night. Or at least I think that is what the show is still called that; it seems the voiceover guy doesn't want to say the name of the show in the introduction anymore! Vincent has to be on borrowed time, surely?! Am now officially saying I think Jim or maybe even Melody may be the ones to beat.

Talk show host Oprah has filmed her last episodes of her long running program. It was a star-studded occasion with Tom Hanks, Beyonce and Will Smith dropping in to wave her off.
In the twenty-five years on working on the show and the various other ventures Oprah has amassed the biggest fortune in Hollywood with a staggering $1.5 billion dollars in the bank. 
The effects of Oprah's stepping down has had huge ramifications in a matter of days, sending waves throughout America, if not the world! Lady Gaga has toppled Oprah as the most influential person in the Forbes power list. Soon we're all going to be 'little monsters' if Oprah doesn't help, as the spread reaches pandemic level on Monday with the release of Gaga's 'Born This Way' album.

Finally, articulator extraordinaire and national treasure Stephen Fry is going to be doing some acting in The Hobbit. The details are available at of the roles.

1 comment:

  1. I need details on what's going on with Cheryl and Simon, HEAT intrigued me before but I didn't read what it said . . . x
